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Hormone Replacement Therapy: medical studies to help you make an informed decision and to share with your healthcare provider

For many women in perimenopause and menopause it is difficult to get a prescription for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT can be anything from an estrogen patch, bio identical estrogen patch or cream, progesterone pills, compounded treatment (estrogen and progesterone together in a pill or cream), testosterone gel, pellets, vaginal estrogen, or any combination of these treatments. 

I've compiled a list of medical studies to help you make an informed decision about whether or not HRT is right for you, and also to share and discuss with your healthcare provider. 

HRT is not for everyone, but the studies show that about 85% of women can take HRT safely and effectively. 

Aside from the over 37 symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, HRT can help protect us as we age from cardiovascular disease, dementia and Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, muscular skeletal issues, and more. 

I have been taking the bio identical estrogen patch, and I have a progesterone releasing IUD for two years and it has helped me with many of my menopause symptoms. I am in the process of trying to get a prescription of testosterone gel to help with sore joints, muscles, and low libido. 

Please contact me (Direct Message) through Instagram with any questions you have. 

Cream Aesthetic Weekly Planner by vanessamc246

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