Beachbody hosts Super Saturday trainings quarterly, throughout the country. Because I am on the team of the number one coach in the country, Melanie Mitro, and she lives in western Pennsylvania, I attended the training in Pittsburgh, at Heinz Field. I had never been to Pittsburgh, before, so it was a treat to drive into this beautiful city and see the iconic field. After spending the weekend with other Beachbody coaches and surrounded by happy, healthy people, I came home with even more passion to help teach others how to live the best version of their own lives.
On Beachbody Super Saturday, I woke up at 5:30 am, to drive down with three other coaches from my local team, Team Fit and Fabulous. We were all excited for the day, to meet other coaches, to be inspired and motivated, to learn more!
After arriving, checking in, and meeting other coaches in person that we’d only communicated with online (but who felt like old friends), and taking a few photos, over 500 of us sat to listen to some success stories. Personal success stories from people who lost weight because of Beachbody programs, and then became coaches to pay it forward. I could relate. I love helping others get healthy! Their personal and business success stories made me feel my passion, and validated my decision to become a coach.
When they finished, we watched a video presentation about some new Beachbody programs and products (stay tuned for those in future blog posts, but they are AWESEOME)!!
Following the video, came the moment I had waited for. The top coach in the company, Melanie Mitro, took the stage, along with six other top coaches and spoke about how they became successful. They pushed their fears and doubts aside, and just did what they needed to do. Things that scared them, things that caused doubt in their mind, they just ate that frog and put into practice the steps to
running a Beachbody business. To hear that they were just where I am now a few years back, with my same fears, and are now pushing over six figure incomes made my heart flutter. Hearing their stories made this dream of mine seem more achievable.
The theme for this quarter’s event was #everysweatmatters. What does that mean? Well, one of the Beachbody coaches on our team, Katy Ursta, was diagnosed with state 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphona over a year ago. Instead of letting it consume her, she fought back. She blended her job as a Beachbody coach with fighting for literally her life. She made every one of her workouts count. She didn't stop working out, stop eating healthy, stop coaching others, instead she decided that she was going to #punchcancerintheface and she was going to sweat for something bigger! When life got hard, she would sweat! On days when she was feeling weak she used social media and asked people to sweat for her that day! Beachbody coaches came together, tag her in our posts and dedicate our workouts to her! It lifted her up, it gave her strength and she knew she was not alone! Now in remission, she has made it her passion to spread awareness of this illness, and still make every sweat matter.
I tell this dream to my family and friends; I tell them I will be a top coach someday, I just need a few years to work hard and get there. I want to make an impact. I want to help others achieve confidence in their health and fitness, in how they see themselves!
After hearing the top coaches speak, we came together again, wore our #eversweatmatters shirts, and sweated together. The energy that comes from working out with 500 people at a time is powerful. We had little room to move and it was pretty warm in there, but we all kept going, because we know every sweat matters! Through the sale of #everysweatmatters shirts, raffles, and the costs of our tickets, we raised A LOT of money for leukemia and lymphoma research, once again, showing the power of many through one person at a time. I’m not allowed to say how much money we raised, until the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society releases the amount publicly, but when the amount was announced, I got teary. To see the impact of all these people coming together, sweating together for a greater cause, for something bigger than just me, and the minutia of daily life, had emotion welling up in me. We are powerful together.
When I left there my heart felt felt full. I saw the difference one person makes. I wanted to get home and start working even harder! Every single customer, coach, every person who I work with matters to me, and I have the opportunity to make their life better. It’s a pretty powerful feeling. Talk about a rewarding profession.
My one year anniversary will come up in October. I started this coaching opportunity to just get my Shakeology for a discount. It has turned into my passion, and I put in countless hours a week trying to build a successful business. Being a coach has three parts:
- The first is helping others succeed in the program that Beachbody has to offer by running challenge groups and teaching them how to live a healthier lifestyle.
- The second part is about training my coaches that I recruit to be on my team how to be successful and duplicate the success that I am having.
- The third it that I am constantly getting trainings and trying to grow personally.
In coaching, the rewards come with the effort I put in. This isn’t a get rich quick opportunity, but if you work hard there will come. Coaches don’t have to have any prior experience or have to be in super good shape, they just have to have a passion to make a difference in someone’s life. The rest we can teach you!
A few months ago everything clicked for me. I realized why I LOVED coaching. It combines all of my passion: I can teach people how to live healthier, fitter more confident lives; I am using my marketing and communications knowledge to run my own business; and I am surrounded by people with the same passion of living happy, healthy lives. It’s the perfect fit. My passion and your career have blended. It never feels like work.
If you think that being a coach seems like something that you might be interested in please fill out the coach application below and I will be in touch to talk about the opportunity over the phone. My team is growing and I am always looking for motivated people to help me make an impact.
Fill out my online form.
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